Schedule Of Events
XXIII. 9:00 - 10:25 Estep Auditorium
Ann Howells: Carrollton, Texas
Come Fly With Me
Cullen Whisenhunt: Eastern Ok State College
Constance Squires: UCO
Low April Sun
Cody Baggerly: East Central University
Hardly Been Born
XXIV. 9:00 - 10:25 Regents Room
Quinn Carver Johnson: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Nursing Home Dog, and other poems
Keely Record: Tulsa, Oklahoma
How I Ride, and other poems
Robert Roensch: Oklahoma City University
The Quarry
Sharon Edge Martin: Oilton, Oklahoma
Granny’s Gone
XXV. 10:35 -11:45 Estep Auditorium
Jessica Turcat: Oklahoma State University
Hunger House
Melissa Heath-Lee: Red Oak, OK
The Exquisite Ache of Loss
Tom Murphy: Corpus Christi, Texas
The Great American Windmill Bob Kaufman Destroyed
XXVI. 10:35 -11:45 Regents Room
Michael Howarth: Missouri Southern State Univ
Who's Who Among Fallen Women
Chloe LaFevers: East Central University
Still Looking
Zhenya Yevtushenko: Tulsa, OK
Field Guide to Femininity
XXVII. 12:15 - 1:00 pm Estep Auditorium
Grand Finale, Featuring: Ken Hada
Additional Dates: