Schedule Of Events
X. 9:00 - 9:50 Estep Auditorium
Hank Jones: Tarleton State University
Not Light, Nor Wind, Nor Trees
Linda Neal Reising: Poseyville, Indiana
Navigating through Life and Memory
XI. 9:00 - 9:50 Regents Room
Joey Brown: Joplin, Missouri
Turn Out the Lights: Poems from Busted Oklahoma
Corbett Buchly: Richardson, Texas
XII. 10:00 - 10:50 Estep Auditorium
Tina Carlson: Santa Fe, New Mexico
Mothers and Manta Rays
Ben Payne: Harding HS, Oklahoma City
My Neighbor's Dog
XIII. 10:00 - 10:50 Regents Room
Peter biles: East Central University
Last November
Paul Austin: Norman, Oklahoma
Mother and Son
XIV. 10:00 - 10:50 Boswell Chapel
Cindy Huyser: Austin, Texas
Paul Bowers: Northern Oklahoma College
We’ll All Be Better People
XV. 11:00 - 12:10 Estep Auditorium
Denise Tolan: San Antonio, Texas
This is What Love Looks Like
Stanton Yeakley: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Eremocene: Hope in the Age of Loneliness
Phil Morgan: Blanchard, Oklahoma
The Southernmost Acre, and other poems
XVI. 11:00 - 12:10 Regents Room
Ron Wallace: Durant, Oklahoma
Life is Still a Beautiful Disaster
Susan Ayres: Ft. Worth, Texas
Red Cardinal, White Snow
Bill McCloud: Rogers State University
The Error of the Stars
XVII. 11:00 -12:10 Boswell Chapel
Wendy Dunmeyer: Lawton, OK
Fool Me Once
Crag Hill: University of Oklahoma
The Calendar
Gianna Loboda: Ada, Oklahoma
True Eden, and other poems
XVIII. 2:10 - 3:20 Estep Auditorium
Alan Berecka: Sinton, Texas
Poems about Belief
Kristen Grace: Oklahoma City, OK
The Skull Tree
Robert Dean Johnson: Richmond, KY
Alexandrov & Petrooshki
XIX. 2:10 -3:20 Regents Room
Paul Juhasz: Seminole State College
Prufrock’s Mermaids & other poems
Shaun Perkins: Locust Grove, OK
Dear Cryptid
Andrew Geyer: Univ. South Carolina-Aiken
XX. 3:35 - 4:45 Estep Auditorium
Jeanetta Calhoun Mish: Albuquerque, NM
Love Story, and other poems
Mark Walling: East Central University
Mama's Boy
Bob Sykora: Kansas City, Kansas
Utopians in Love
XXI. 3:35 -4:45 Regents Room
Sly Alley: Tecumseh, Oklahoma
Flag Song and other poems
Heather Levy: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
This Violent Heart
Luke Fredette: USAO
The Stories
XXII. 7:00 - 8:30 pm Estep Auditorium
Featuring: ire’ne lara silva
Additional Dates: