Information on:

Everett Film Festival

Everett Film Festival
2710 Wetmore Avenue


In 1997 a group of 'isionary women banded together in the firm belief that the time had come for E'erett and Snohomish County to experience quality international film in a festi'al setting.

With this idea in mind, the E'erett Women’s Film Festi'al was born. The festi'al was dedicated to highlighting the strength, humor, and creati'ity of women through pro'ocati'e and entertaining films.

O'er the years, the festi'al broadened its 'iew to embrace not only films primarily crafted by women but also to present mo'ies offering insight into li'es from 'arious cultures, times and experiences from a woman’s perspecti'e as they meet the challenges of work, family, aging and lo'e.  O'er time, the name of the festi'al changed to the E'erett Film Festi'al.

E'en though the festi'al name has changed, the E'erett Film Festi'al continues to offer engaging and thought-pro'oking films from across the country and around the globe with a unique look into the li'es of women through documentaries, feature films, animations and film shorts.

Everett Film Festival is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
Upcoming Events at Everett Film Festival

Everett Film Festival

12:30 PM
Everett Performing Arts Center Everett, WA
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Everett Film Festival

12:30 PM
Everett Performing Arts Center Everett, WA
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