Scottsdale Family Artsfest

Scottsdale Family Artsfest
Saturday, Mar 22, 2025 from 9:00am to 2:00pm
1365 N. Scottsdale Road

Main Stage

Relax under the iconic SkySong tent and enjoy performances throughout the event by SUSD choirs, bands, and orchestras. Festivities kick off on Friday, March 21 at 5pm with a welcome by SUSD Superintendent Dr. Scott Menzel and other special guests.

Art Exhibitions, Building 3, Synergy Room

See artworks created by more than 1,000 SUSD elementary, middle, and high school students.

Arts Zone

Anyone can be an artist! Come make art with Scottsdale Arts through a variety of all-age friendly activities.

Café Stage

Grab a snack and enjoy performances throughout the event by SUSD musical theater students, student choirs, strings, and orchestras.

Community Zone

Meet our City of Scottsdale and community partners! Play games in the park with Parks & Recreation, become an environmental steward with Solid Waste, and be a literary champion with the Library Services team, and participate in hands-on activities from our arts and culture partners.

Alli Ortega Empty Bowls

Scottsdale Community Partners (SCP) will be holding their annual Alli Ortega Empty Bowls Fundraiser in the lobby entrance of the event in SkySong Building 1. There will be bowls crafted by SUSD students and the Scottsdale community available for purchase, in addition to an online auction featuring class bowls, art, and various goods donated by the community. Funds raised will support all SCP programs, in partnership with City of Scottsdale Human Services, such as the Vista del Camino Food Bank, Back-to-School, and Healthy Packs weekend food program for SUSD students.