Saint Louis Jewish Film Festival

Saint Louis Jewish Film Festival
Thursday, Apr 3, 2025 at 3:00pm
B&B Theatres Creve Coeur West Olive 10 and Bowling
12657 Olive Blvd

The St. Louis Jewish Film Festival Committee is made up of volunteers, co-sponsors, and community partners who love film and are committed to bringing the best in Jewish Film to St. Louis.

Schedule of Events:

3:00 pm: Shoshana

Director: Michael Winterbottom
Feature: 114 minutes

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. This suspenseful and surprisingly romantic adventure follows the British police's efforts to capture the charismatic poet and Zionist freedom fighter Avraham Stern, who is doing everything he can to promote chaos, and frustrate an Israeli public to the point of wanting to evict the British authorities. Come watch what happens when these two forces go head-to-head. Can beauty tame the beast-like system? Or will romance become just another casualty amidst two ideological sides doing everything they can to win?

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7:00 pm: Running On Sand

Director: Adar Shafran
Feature: 104 minutes

This hybrid comedy-drama follows a young Eritrean refugee (Omari) deported from Israel who is mistaken for the new foreign player of a struggling soccer team. The comedy (and the drama) clashes when it becomes clear his survival depends on the team's success; and he knows nothing about the sport! Join us for an evening of suspense, smiles, laughter, and a ton of heart.

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