Schedule Of Events
4:30 p.m : Liliana
Length : 97 min, Year : 2024, Director : Ruggero Gabbai
Liliana is a documentary that gathers Senator-for-life Liliana Segre's testimony of her arrest, deportation, and poignant final farewell to her father. The film is built around the juxtapositions, cross-references, and contrasts between the historical record and a contemporary portrait of one of the most important women on the Italian scene. It highlights lesser-known aspects of the Senator, revealing a modern cultural and political figure who is passionate about conveying a message of freedom and equality to the younger generations.
6:30 p.m : A World Apart
Length: 112 min, Year : 2024, Director : Riccardo Milani
After forty years of teaching in the urban jungle of Rome, primary schoolteacher Michele Cortese moves to an idyllic village in the heart of the Abruzzo National Park to teach at a small school with only a handful of students aged seven to ten. He struggles to overcome the challenges of small-town life but finds a friendly face in vice-principal Agnese and gradually adapts, thanks to her and their spirited pupils. However, when all seems well, unwelcome news arrives: the school has failed to meet its enrollment quota for the next year and will be forced to close. Thus begins a race against time to save the school…whatever it takes!
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